Craig Hanlon - eCommerce Administrator at MoTackle & Outdoors
Catching Yellowbelly (Golden Perch) in Australia can be a challenging but rewarding experience for anglers.
Yellowbelly are a popular freshwater fish species found in rivers and impoundments in various parts of the country.
To increase your chances of success, it's important to use specific techniques tailored to their behaviour and habitat. Here are the tools you will need and some in-depth techniques for catching Yellowbelly:
Matthew Townes - Mail Order Assistant Manager at MoTackle & Outdoors
Locate Suitable Waters
Yellowbelly are often found in freshwater bodies like rivers, dams, and lakes. Research and choose a location where Yellowbelly are known to be present. Local fishing forums, tackle shops, or online resources can provide valuable information about productive spots. Remember that fishing success can vary depending on weather conditions and other factors.
Yellowbelly prefer areas with cover, including submerged logs, rocks, and weed beds. Target these spots with your chosen technique. Yellowbelly can also be found in deeper holes during hot weather when water temperatures rise.
- Rivers: Yellowbelly are often found in rivers, particularly in slower-moving sections with structure such as fallen trees, rocks, submerged logs and undercut banks. Look for eddies and pools where they can rest and ambush prey.
- Impoundments (Dams and Lakes): Many impoundments in Australia have Yellowbelly populations. Study topographic maps, consult local fishing guides, and ask experienced anglers for information on the best locations within these impoundments.
Cameron Hall - Estuarine Specialist at MoTackle & Outdoors
Choose the Right Time
Yellowbelly are more active during dawn and dusk. Fishing during these times can increase your chances of success. However, they can be caught throughout the day as well.
Use the Right Tackle
- Rods, Reels and Line: A light to medium spinning or baitcasting rod and reel combo is suitable for Yellowbelly fishing. Rods rated from the 4-14lb range and anywhere between 6’ 10” and 7’ 6” is ample for these golden nuggets. Choose the right rod depending on the area you are fishing and the technique you are choosing to apply. As far as reels are regarded, 1000 to 3000 sizes will be suitable for these fish. Spooled with 6 to 14lb line whether this is braided, mono or fluoro carbon line will yet again be dependent on the terrain you are fishing and the technique.
- Lures and Bait: Yellowbelly are opportunistic feeders. Baits such as worms, yabbies (small freshwater crayfish), shrimp, and small fish work well. Soft plastic and hardbody lures can also be effective as well as vibes and spinnerbaits.
Lure Fishing Techniques
- Casting and Retrieving: Cast soft plastic lures, such as grubs or swimbaits, or hardbody lures like diving minnows or lipless crankbaits. Work these lures with a twitch-pause-retrieve technique to imitate injured baitfish. Yellowbelly are often attracted to the movement.
- Jigging: Jigging is effective in deeper water or around submerged structure. Use a heavy jig head and attach a soft plastic lure. Drop it down to the desired depth and give it sharp upward jerks to mimic a fleeing prey. Allow it to flutter down between jerks.
- Spinnerbaits: Spinnerbaits with flashy blades can also be productive. Cast the spinnerbait near cover and retrieve it steadily, varying the speed to find what entices Yellowbelly.
- Soft Vibes: Soft vibes are typically made of soft plastic materials and are designed to have a lifelike action in the water. Cast the soft vibe near structure or likely Yellowbelly holding areas. Allow it to sink to your desired depth, and then retrieve it with a series of lifts and drops, or a steady retrieve with occasional pauses. The soft vibe's wobbling action and vibrations can trigger strikes from Yellowbelly.
- Hard Vibes: Hard vibes are typically made of hard plastic and often have built-in rattles or other noise-producing elements. Cast the hard vibe towards submerged structure or drop-offs. Let it sink to the desired depth, and then retrieve it with a steady retrieve, varying the speed and rhythm. The vibration and sound produced by the hard vibe can attract Yellowbelly from a distance.
Whether you choose soft or hard vibes, the key is to make your lure mimic the movement of injured or fleeing prey. Additionally, pay attention to the depth at which Yellowbelly are feeding, as this can change on any given day.
Matthew Townes - Mail Order Assistant Manager at Motackle & Outdoors
Bait Fishing Techniques
- Bottom Rigging: One of the most common techniques is to use a bottom rig. Attach a sinker to your mainline and then tie on a swivel. Below the swivel, add a leader with a baited hook. Cast this rig near structure, such as submerged logs or rocky outcrops, where Yellowbelly often hide.
- Live Baiting: Yellowbelly are known to take live baits such as yabbies or shrimp. Use a bobber or float to keep the live bait at a specific depth. Allow the bait to swim naturally and be ready for a strike when a Yellowbelly pounces.
- Burley: Some anglers use a burley technique to attract Yellowbelly to their fishing spot. Crushed fish pellets or bread can be used as burley. Spread some in the water near your fishing area to create a scent trail that can draw Yellowbelly closer.
Cameron Hall - Estuarine Specialist at MoTackle & Outdoors
Patience and Stealth
Approach the water quietly, avoid making unnecessary noise, and be patient. Yellowbelly can be sensitive to disturbances, so stealth is essential.
Keep Records
Keep a fishing journal to record your catches and the conditions in which they occurred. This can help you identify patterns and improve your Yellowbelly fishing skills over time.
Here at Motackle, we have now created the Motackle Essential Yellowbelly Pack which has some of our favourite lures, hand-picked by our very own staff, from some of the biggest and best brands in the game to target Yellowbelly. The perfect choice when trying to decide on what lures to bring! You find the pack in the products above!
Craig Hanlon - eCommerce Administrator at MoTackle & Outdoors
There are a lot of different ways to catch Yellowbelly and a lot of things to remember to maximise your chances of of having a decent session with them, but make sure you have fun when targeting this unique species and soak in the beautiful surroundings that goes with it! - Matthew McEwan - Warehouse Receiving at MoTackle & Outdoors